This is the Drexel Engineering 103 blog for group 068-06. The goal of this lab is to create a LED fixture that can be implemented into a dementia ward at St. Francis Country House to help the health of the patients there. We are working with Group 068-05 to achieve this goal of creating a working prototype. Our group is primarily focusing on the manufacturing of the physical light fixture while the other group is working on programming the LEDs to simulate daylight.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Project Organization

To more easily view the images below, click on them to bring the images to full screen. 

In the above Gantt Chart, the colored blocks indicate the scheduled (estimated) time, and the black bars in the colored blocks indicate the completion of each task.
The program used for this is Open Project or OpenProj. It can be found here:


  1. Great Schedule with good information. Consider adding a references tab--would be good to include resource materials that the team is using to support their knowledge base for the project.

  2. The home page should include an introduction to your project--something to orient your viewer. Check out the other blogs in this class.
