This is the Drexel Engineering 103 blog for group 068-06. The goal of this lab is to create a LED fixture that can be implemented into a dementia ward at St. Francis Country House to help the health of the patients there. We are working with Group 068-05 to achieve this goal of creating a working prototype. Our group is primarily focusing on the manufacturing of the physical light fixture while the other group is working on programming the LEDs to simulate daylight.

Design Proposal

ENGR 103 - Spring 2013
Freshman Engineering Design Lab
Daylight-Matching LED Luminaire”
Project Design Proposal

Date Submitted: April 08, 2013

Submitted to:Ben Cohen,
Group Members:Chloe Dye,

Peter Altavilla III,

Christopher Fedor,
This Freshman Design project, completed by Group 5 and Group 6, has the goal of developing and constructing a working light fixture prototype that will simulate daylight within a building. Group 5 will work on the programming portion of the project while Group 6, the focus of this design proposal, works on the lighting fixture construction and simulation portion. This project takes its inspiration from St. Francis Country House, a hospital which will implement the daylight-matching LED lighting system for the benefit of its dementia patients. As Group 6 moves forward, its members will develop skills in mechanics, electronics, and teamwork. The overall goal of Group 6's project is to create the best possible lighting fixture in the most efficient way. The primary tasks for the project are Computer Modeling and Simulation, Prototyping, and Integration of Multiple Systems. First, models of the lighting fixture must be tested for efficiency. Next, the prototype must be constructed, and last, the deliverables of Group 5 and Group 6 must be combined into a final, working prototype. In order for Group 6 to achieve these goals, the Hess Laboratory will be used as a resource for the tools, machinery, and material supplies necessary for the construction of the lighting fixture. In addition, Professor Eugenia Ellis's design plans will be used as a basis for building lighting fixture prototype. Technical challenges for this project include learning how to use the programs necessary to test the model of the lighting fixture and learning how to properly use the shop tools in order to construct and assemble the prototype.

1. Introduction

This project is designed with the objective of developing a dependable prototype which will be used to advance the work going into the full Daylight-Matching LED Luminaire Project headed by Professor Eugenia Ellis. The goal of this project is to create an LED lighting fixture that will simulate daylight during the day and gradually turn into red light at night. With the aim of helping dementia patients at St. Francis Country House, this project will create an illumination system that will help stimulate the senses and regulate the body functions of these patients while allowing them to sleep at night while hospital employees work. This is possible because daylight, when absorbed by humans, makes the brain produce serotonin: a hormone that makes humans alert and awake. When the human body absorbs red light, the brain produces melatonin: a hormone that makes humans relax. The red light will not only help patients sleep, but still allow employees to work throughout the night in a relaxed environment without dimming the lights.

This project is broken into two groups: Group 5, and Group 6. While Group 5 develops the programming component, Group 6 is responsible for constructing the lighting fixture. Based on DiaLux simulations, the light fixtures will be placed at precise locations throughout the dementia ward at St. Francis Country House to achieve the best possible lighting. An example DiaLux simulation is shown below in Figure [1.1].
Figure 1: Possible Lighting Simulation in the DiaLux program
As the project is developed, the group members will become proficient in electronics, mechanics, modelling, and simulating in various programs by testing models of the lighting fixture in different computer analyzation programs and by physically constructing the lighting fixture using shop tools. Although the group members will become proficient in these areas by figuring out how to use three different computer analyzation programs and different shop tools, this may pose as a technical challenge for members of the group who have never had experience with these tools before. Over time, the primary project tasks will be Computer Modeling and Simulation, Prototyping, and Integration of the Multiple Systems. These will be examined in detail in Section 3—Technical Activities. The most desired outcome of Group 6 is to deliver the best, fully operational daylight-matching LED luminaire prototype at the most efficient cost.

2. Deliverables

At the conclusion of this project, Group 6 is responsible for delivering a lighting fixture as illustrated by Professor Ellis's design plans in Figure 2 below. The light fixture will be composed of sheet metal and will fit into a standard 2x2 ceiling section. The fixture will primarily be built in Hess Labs on Drexel University Campus. By constructing the light fixture, a fully-functioning physical prototype of the Daylight-Matching LED Luminaire will be developed in cooperation with Group 6, the LED-programming team, by inserting the programmed LEDs into the designated area in the light fixture. In addition to the prototype, model designs and simulation results of the lighting fixture in the dementia ward of the St. Francis Country House will be delivered. The simulations will be conducted through three programs: DiaLux, QuickPlay Pro, and SimaPro.

Figure 2: 3D model of the final deliverable

3. Technical Activities

3.1 Computer Modeling and Simulation

During this beginning phase of the project, the primary objective is to model the LED light fixture in different computer programs for testing purposes before construction. The overall lighting fixture will be modeled in the AutoCAD program to determine all of the exact dimensions that are required to properly build the fixture. The AutoCAD model of the lighting fixture will then be uploaded into the DiaLux program to calculate the illumination effects of the lighting fixture in the dementia ward of the St. Francis Country House. In addition, the program SimaPro will be used to calculate the life cycle of the fixture and the QuickPlay Pro program will be used to virtually simulate the working light fixture in the ward. By running these simulations, any problems detected can be corrected and modified on the model before building in order to create a successful lighting fixture.

3.2 Prototyping

During this phase of the project, the lighting fixture that was designed in AutoCAD will be constructed in the Hess Laboratory located on Drexel University's campus. Using the dimensions from the AutoCAD drawings provided by Professor Ellis, shown below in Figure 3, sheet metal will be cut and then welded together to create a prototype of the fixture that was designed for this project.

Figure 3: Professor Ellis's Lighting Fixture Design Plans

3.3 Integration of the Multiple Systems

For the final part of this project, the LEDs that will be programmed by Group 5 will be added to the metal framework of the lighting fixture built by Group 6. The fixture will then be installed in the ceiling and programmed to simulate changing daylight.

4. Project Timeline

Literature and Program Study

Lighting Simulation


Building Lighting Fixture


Implementing Electrical Component




Final report preparation

Table 1: Daylight-Matching LED Luminaire Project Timeline

5. Facilities and Resources

For this project, many facilities and resources will be used. First, Professor Eugenia Ellis's original lighting fixture design plans will be used as the basis for the construction of Group 6's lighting fixture. The team will also use Professor Ellis's research lab located in Hess Laboratory to further study the existing system and to apply that knowledge to the final project. In order to build the lighting fixture, the group will be using the Hess Laboratory located on Drexel University's campus. In the laboratory are various shop tools that will be used to cut sheet metal into sections and welding equipment to combine the sections together as indicated by Professor Ellis's design plans. In addition to the tools required to complete the physical aspect of this project, the QuickPlay Pro, SimaPro, and DiaLux programs will be utilized to measure and simulate all LED lighting options, energy levels, and life cycles.

6. Expertise

To complete this project, there are certain skills that the group must have. First, at least one member must be familiar with the AutoCAD program in order to manipulate and analyze the current AutoCAD model of the lighting fixture. Another group member will also be required to learn how to use the Dialux, SimaPro, and QuickPlay Pro programs in order to virtually test the light for energy levels, lighting intensities, and life cycle costs. In addition to the virtual knowledge required for this project, machining and shop-tool knowledge will be required to properly construct the lighting fixture prototype.

7. Budget 

Projected Cost
Aluminum Sheet Metal
Table 2: Group 6 Daylight-Matching LED Luminaire Lighting Fixture Budget

Projected Cost
Aluminum Sheet Metal
RBG LED lights
Table 3: Combined Group 5 and 6 Daylight-Matching LED Luminaire Project Budget

7.1 Aluminum Sheet Metal

Aluminum Sheet Metal will be used to create the body of the Daylight-Matching LED Luminaire light fixture. It is relatively inexpensive, light, and flexible. To build the lighting fixture, a total of 996.74 square inches of aluminum sheet metal with a .02 inch thickness will be required. Since the closest size available is a 24 by 48 inch sheet (1152 square inches), the total cost will be about $40.00.

7.3 RBG LEDs

As part of a larger team comprised of Group 5 and Group 6, LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, will be programmed and implemented into the lighting fixture to complete the Daylight-Matching LED luminaire. RBG LEDs consist of 3 separate diodes of colors red, blue, and green that are all contained within the same plastic package. Almost any color in the visible spectrum can be created by mixing these three colors, including daylight. 

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