This is the Drexel Engineering 103 blog for group 068-06. The goal of this lab is to create a LED fixture that can be implemented into a dementia ward at St. Francis Country House to help the health of the patients there. We are working with Group 068-05 to achieve this goal of creating a working prototype. Our group is primarily focusing on the manufacturing of the physical light fixture while the other group is working on programming the LEDs to simulate daylight.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Completed LED Luminaire

In coordination with Group 5, we have successfully completed the LED luminaire.

This is a picture of the bottom portion of the light fixture with the heat-sink attached and the ambient light LEDs attached.

This is a picture of the luminaire with a make-shift top portion (made of foam-board) to show the reflection of the LEDs off the top portion of the light fixture.

This is a photo of the luminaire on and reflecting off of the foam-board model.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Heatsink with LEDs

We are one step closer to the completed product: We have the finished heatsink complete with the harsh, white LEDs!

The harsh, white, LEDs are located on the middle and sides of each star, with a total of 20 LED strips on the heatsink. The heatsink with LEDs will be located in the middle, bottom portion of the light fixture.

Heatsink Construction

The purpose of the heatsink is to distribute the heat of the harsh, white LEDs located in the center of the light fixture. The fixture, shown below, is composed of a 4-inch threaded bolt, several metal "stars" that will hold the LEDs, and nuts that will lock the "stars" in place:

Final Construction of Fixture

After many hours of work and some trial and error, this is the completed fixture (without LEDs and heatsink):

(top view)

Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the bending tool, our group was not able to complete the top of the light fixture. Instead of making a four sided top-portion, the angles we bent the tabs to resulted in a triangle fixture:

As you can see, we ended up having an extra piece left over. Although we were not able to complete the top of the light fixture, it will not have a huge negative impact on the project as a whole: the top portion of the fixture is for mounting purposes and reflection of the LEDs.